Yes! A monumental night because of a bath! Some time last year-around June or July- Brooklyn was at my parents house while I was working and Alex was deployed, durring her two week stay she got to a point where she was TERRIFIED of the bath, we had been here before and it only lasted a few weeks, so I thought it would blow over in a week or tow, and we just kept pushing on. It was horrible. I am not a believer in pushing your child to do something they are scared of, but she can't exactly go with out a bath. So she would get wiped down with a wash rag most days and on days when a bath was necessary, it was a two person job. one to hold her down and another to wash her! She refused to sit down and just SCREAMED the whole time. We had been trying to think of ways to make it more fun, so we stopped calling it a bath, insead it was playing in the water. Then either my mother or I would let her in the bathroom with us while we took a bath, she started off playing in our water out side the tub, a few weeks later we progressed to playing in the bath tub with either my mom or I, then today she ASKED to take a bath!!! She asked if I would take one with her. I ran the water and got her in, and I sat on the toilet, she kept asking if I was getting in I would just say in a little while. She took the whole bath alone and didn't cry one single time! I am SOOO proud! So to celebrate I am letting her stay up a little late to have Mother/Daughter Movie/Popcorn nigth!

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